"Counseling addresses the emotional, social, work, school and physical health concerns of people at different stages in their lives." - American Psychological Association
I started studying psychology and eastern philosophy in my early teens in India and continued my studies in the USA. Along the way I branched off into the business world by studying Finance and Information Technology. After earning postgraduate degrees in the aforementioned fields (CPA, MBA, PhD), I leveraged my education to build successful careers in Health-care and Real Estate sectors (both, as a corporate executive and a serial entrepreneur)
Prior to becoming an entrepreneur to join the USA’s “Dot.Com“ boom, I was with Kaiser Permanente, USA's largest vertically integrated healthcare organization, and Fallon Healthcare System (FHS) which, at the time, was ranked number one Health Care System in the USA by US News and World Report and Newsweek Magazines. At FHS I was a key member of the senior management team and a Board member of Fallon Clinic. As a serial entrepreneur I developed several start-up companies in the Healthcare sector collaborating with premier organizations such as Boston University, Boston Medical Center, Harvard University; Philips Medical, et el.
I cherish life and view it as a continuous stream of “action-reaction” that shapes us into the person we are at any given moment. When people ask me if I have ever failed in life, my answer is a resounding NO. When I am further asked whether I have achieved all that I had hoped for thus far, my answer is a definite YES. Suffice to say, my replies leave others incredulous and sceptical. Success and failures are subjective and all a matter of perspective. We are who we define ourselves to be. Striving to develop our emotional capacity promotes self awareness and clarity that empowers us to embrace life for all its worth. Psyvedology™, a combination of Vedic and psychological constructs, has played an important role in shaping my thinking and world view.
I have been a student of vedic studies for the past twenty nine years. While I embarked on this journey primarily for self improvement, vedic knowledge has often enabled me to better understand and counsel clients with strong eastern spiritual beliefs and values. There is now empirical evidence, based on hundreds of peer review studies, that clients prefer to have their spirituality and religion addressed in counselling (American Psychological Association). Therefore, psychology and Psyvedology™ form the foundation of my counselling practice.
I have lived a great part of my life outside India and have traveled extensively around the globe. I enjoy meeting and interacting with people from different cultures and walks of life. I am a patron of the arts and a past member of the Board of Overseers of the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, which is ranked the seventeenth largest art museum in the world. Additionally, I am an enthusiast of western and Indian classical music and have remained a patron of The Boston Symphony, Boston Ballet and The San Francisco Symphony. I am an avid reader of books and my favorite genres are thriller, science fiction, mystery and critical thinking. I was on the Board of Trustees of Boston Athenaeum, one of the oldest and most distinguished private libraries and cultural institutions in the United States (founded in 1807).
I am a member of the American Psychological Association (USA), National Positive Psychology Association (India), California Society of Certified Public Accountants (USA), and Massachusetts Real Estate Board (USA). Additionally, I am affiliated with United Services Institution of India, a national security and defense services think tank and The Rotary Club of Delhi Garden City. I was appointed adjunct faculty by University of Houston (USA) for mentoring and training post graduate students in patient care and hospital operations. Whenever I can, I retreat to the Delhi Golf Club or the Delhi Gymkhana Club to escape the hustle bustle of the city. I strive to live every moment of my life in gratitude and, Promisso's charitable work is a small reflection of this thankfulness.
LinkedIn Profile : RAJIV LAROIA
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